ive been making a few little things lately. some for specific reasons and some for no reason at all, but to make. i'm enjoying it; making time when i come home from work to be industrious instead of idle, meaningful instead of meaningless and thoughtful instead of thoughtless. in place of watching 'the tube' (a romantic old name for such a time-sucking beast), i'll read from a book or listen to a record - really listen; play it and it only, sit and dance around the loungeroom floating on the melodies or try to grasp the quick and crazed rhythms.
also, i've been making. for some reason (i know exactly what reason...i'll tell you in a bit), i've been recently fascinated by the 'terrarium' and eager to attempt my own. so, i did. i went on a crazed search post school-bell and bought my supplies, and on my return home got straight to work. here are mine...don't worry - i am quite aware of thier short comings (like the disproportionate amount of stones and dirt and too-large plants), but am pleased with them nonetheless.
what have you been making of late?
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