June 30, 2011
...it is finished...
June 26, 2011
homemade granola...in the making
...family photos...
June 19, 2011
de nouveaux aliments
June 15, 2011
this evening came close...
an ode
June 10, 2011
'When the days were written down, they were noticed and remembered. Instead of fading with the passage of time, they were preserved. They had meaning.'
so, i write. i write to release that confusion captured inside, that beauty seen around me and respond in gratitude to the author and perfecter of all things. for what am i created to do, i am unsure. but to record and decode that around me, seems to make sense of who i am here. a little anyway.
i get very excited about buying a new journal, finding an old one and taking up in the middle of a lost-but-found-again one. i sometimes flick through the ruffled edges of days past, remembering friends who've been in my life and things that have been important to me. i think it is a real gift, being able to enjoy the act of writing down. even notes, lists - simple things. one thing i envy is the act of writing a melodious line, strung together in a tune. hmm, it is such a sweet thing. but i will remain content in the writing that i do. what about you?